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Life Skills

Personal qualities known as Life Skills are woven into the daily fabric of the curriculum and inform every aspect of the elementary school program. 

As students master these skills, they gain ease with others and life transitions, adapting to change and challenges, preparing them to continue progressing through Wildwood’s middle school program and beyond.

An emphasis on Life Skills is woven into all elementary students' days and later reinforced with the Habits of Mind and Heart in the middle and upper school programs, which lay a solid foundation for authentic lifelong learning.

The Life Skills* include the following:

Integrity: honesty, sincerity, soundness of moral principle

Common Sense: using good judgment

Courage: learning to overcome fear when faced with challenges

Patience: being able to wait calmly

Curiosity: wanting to learn more

Sense of Humor: laughing and playing without harming others

Responsibility: taking initiative, being accountable

Flexibility: being able to adapt

Effort: doing one’s personal best

Problem-Solving: creating solutions for challenging situations

Perseverance: to continue despite obstacles

Organizing: planning, arranging, implementing

Interpersonal Skills: respect, caring for others, good manners, cooperating, making friends

Initiative: ability to originate or follow through with a task 

Tolerance: recognizing and respecting other points of view 

*based on the work of Susan Kovalik

A Wildwood education is a dynamic experience, preparing students for a future defined by change.

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