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Meet Anthony Brown, CFO/COO

At Wildwood, “strengths and stretches” is often used to name a skill or capacity that has been mastered (strength) or requires more practice (stretch). It’s also an apt metaphor to describe Chief Financial Officer Anthony Brown, a dedicated yogi who begins his morning practice as early as 4 a.m. every day of the week.

According to Anthony, it’s a practice that provides focus and clarity, while also providing opportunity for continual growth and learning—two values that drew him to Wildwood—as well as energy to power through the day.

The joy in yoga is about finding comfort in the discomfort and stepping out of your wheelhouse, which certainly has parallels to Wildwood's approach to project-based learning. It's a model that encourages kids to try something new, to fail, and to try again.- Anthony brown, CFO/COO

Over the course of his career, Anthony has held leadership positions in finance and operations in several organizations, including as the CFO for Intercommunity Child Guidance Center/The Whole Child. Immediately prior to Wildwood, Anthony served for 12 years as the chief financial officer and vice president of finance for the Aquarium of the Pacific, which sees approximately 1.5 million visitors each year. He was critical in navigating the Aquarium’s finances throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving it in the best financial shape in the organization’s history.

Anthony holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from the University of San Francisco, as well as a Master of Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. His experience managing finances for nonprofit organizations spans more than 30 years. At Wildwood, Anthony sees an opportunity to contribute to Wildwood’s financial strength while ensuring its position at the cutting edge of education.

“Wildwood is a special institution in the way it delivers an education while fostering inclusiveness and growth of the individual. It’s exciting to be a part of an institution that is so forward-focused, with a clear vision.”